HRE within the UPR process

30 November 2014

Human rights education is in the top ten most-raised issues within the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process, a peer-review of government's human rights records. Since the UPR was established in 2006, there have been over 1,400 recommendations to around 70 different countries on implementing human rights education and training. The most frequent recommendations include: awareness-raising campaigns on violence against women/children’s rights/discrimination; adoption of a national plan of action; training for law enforcement officials; human rights education in schools and teacher training.

Beyond Promises. UPR Info (2014)

On 24 November 2014, HRE 2020 hosted a meeting with coalition members and other stakeholders to discuss how to use the UPR process to hold governments more accountable. During the meeting, HRE 2020 members took stock of recommendations that have been made so far in the first and second cycle of the UPR and discussed national initiatives to monitor and report existing recommendations. 

To learn more about HRE in the UPR, see the meeting notes of the recent HRE 2002 Members Meeting.